‘Do your duty; learn and teach. Speak truth; learn and teach. Meditate; learn and teach. Control sense; learn and teach. Control mind; learn and teach. Kindle fire; learn and teach. Feed fire; learn and teach. Be hospitable; learn and teach. Be humane; learn and teach. Serve the family; learn and teach. Procreate; learn and teach. Educate your children; learn and teach.’
Taittireeya Upanishad from the translation by Shree Purohit Swami and WB Yeats
Why CPD?
The Inner Yoga teachings are continuously evolving and changing and CPD is an important way in which you can stay in touch with this. In fact, it is through your participation in ongoing training that the teachings also develop, and which we gratefully acknowledge.
Attending CPD is also a good way of staying connected with each other and so to draw on the strength and growing support of the Inner Yoga community.
IYT CPD Requirements
- 12 hours per year or 1 week every other year through attending a workshop, weekend, retreat or holiday.
- 6 of these CPD hours must be taught by an IYT course teacher: this is important for your on-going learning in this unique way of teaching. IYT course teachers are those teaching on, or who have taught on, the teacher training programme (Jenny, Pauline, Sue, Sarah, Bridget and Lesley) or Sophy Hoare, Diane Long, or a regular student of theirs.
- All CPD Events will be registered in advance with the SB and the majority of them listed on the website Event Listing. Each event will include a supporting handout for students.
- One of the key changes we have made is that attending an A&P workshop every three years is no longer a requirement. We feel that as all the school’s teaching is infused with anatomy this is not relevant.
Recording CPD
To record your attendance at each CPD event there will be a form which you need to sign to evidence that you have attended. This information will then be collated and kept on record by the School Board. Members can also now choose to use the online Update your CPD Record for keeping your own personal records. This new online system allows you to include non-IYT CPD teachings in your record.
Please remember that if you are advertising yourself as an Inner Yoga Teacher you must ensure that you are up to date with the CPD requirements as well as your membership.
We recognise that Inner Yoga CPD events must be accessible to all our members and we will endeavour to ensure that there are adequate CPD opportunities available in all geographic areas. The CPD Programme of workshops and teaching events will be published on a regular basis and all will be available via the website.
If you have suggestions about what kinds of CPD events would be useful to you please do not hesitate to contact the School Board.