Imbolc is a pagan sabbat that is celebrated on February 1st and marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings, as earth begins to awaken from its winter slumber and the first signs of spring start to appear.

As we turn on the computer to begin a class with Jenny, it feels like unraveling after a winter’s sleep. It is nice to see each person on the screen as each one becomes present. The evening class begins gently as Jenny speaks about the deep earth with the first signs of spring. How we feel it too deep in the belly. The sheep are born, and couples get engaged or married at Beltane. Beltane 1st May is spring at its peak and the coming of summer. Sometimes known as May Day and strongly associated with fertility for pagans.

As the earth awakens to spring, with the potential and manifestation of the new season, our inner wisdom or the union of the 2 sides of self, also known as the triple goddess, as we give salutations to the earth. We move into Asana with a forward bend, triangle pose, child’s pose, dog pose, back to forward bend and standing. Honoring the earth with Tree pose.

Taking a block or support lying down with the support under the sacrum, then middle back and then to upper back. All done with time, soft breathing, and gentle movements as we lie in preparation for breath work. We then sit crossed legged in readiness for the breath work or Kapalabhati or Skull shining breath. Each practice is done with a pace that gives time to understand the process. Sometimes we find ourselves sitting with trauma and the snorting out of Kapalabhati pranayama helps. A similar breath is the ladder breath Viloma, meaning ‘against the wave’. We are taking each practice as it comes with a still and quiet calmness, sitting in our own space listening to the instructions.

We then go on to Nadi Shodhana pranayama or alternate nostril breathing. There is a focus on the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadi as we focus through the subtle bodies.

Yoga Nidra also takes us on a journey through the body and to the right and left hemispheres of the brain, covering the chakras. After a sitting or lying meditation, the class is finished. We say thank you and our goodbyes.

Thank you for reading my article. I do look up certain words on Google just to get a wider understanding, and as my notes are very sparce I miss lots of the teaching detail. This write up is intended to whet the appetite of students and teachers alike, and to provide a bit more knowledge and experience of the available teaching. We are proud to have such amazing teachers and the opportunity to learn a little of the knowledge that they share with us.

There is a recording of the evening and if you would like to purchase a copy, please contact

Sue Somerset Larsson
12th March 2024
IYT Teacher

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